Sunday, September 26, 2010


Sorry sorry's been over a week since I said I was going to get back into my blogging but i've been pants and made no effort...sorry chickittas. I've had a mental week at work and in my bed by 8 everynight also as shattered. 

Friday night the boy set up a little treasure hunt for me around the ended with him telling me he is whisking me away to The Big Apple next Sunday!!!!! eeeeeeeeep I am very excited about it. We will be away for three days and two nights. 

If any of you lovely ladies have been to New York please please please let me know what attractions cannot be missed!!! 

Thank you xx

Friday, September 17, 2010

I'm Baaaaaaaack.....

Well Good Evening Lovely Ladies, I thought it was about time I got myself back on the blogging bandwagon!! woop woop 

I'm sorry i've been mia recently, I've had a lot going on and was signed off my work for a couple of months. 

I have decided it is time I try get myself lost in blogging again. Please recommend blogs you think I should start following 

Hope you are all fabby and looking forward to catching up with you all... xx
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